Category: News

"Water" Anthology wins an award

The winner of the Douglas Barbour Award for Speculative Fiction is Tyche Books for WATER Selkies, Sirens, and Sea Monsters edited by Rhonda Parrish. Congratulations! Rebecca has a story in this one "The Witch's Diary: Adventures in Hut-sitting".

Witch's Diary Fan Art

First fan art for The Witch's Diary! So amazing! I am beyond honored that aroacehufflepuff enjoyed Missera enough to create this beautiful drawing ❤❤❤

Calgary Expo

I'm not a huge fan of hand-selling books. In general I prefer the comfy silences of the internet for connecting with readers, but the indomitable Sandy Fitzpatrick organized a multi-author table for this year's Calgary Comic Expo, and felt I should give it a try.

I learned that I'm exactly as awkward at enticing people to look at a table full of books as I expected, but it was kind of fun too. And, we ended up selling four Chaos Bound, and one Curse Bound, to a reader excited enough about the premise to buy both books in the series at once!

Writing Update

Here's what we've been up to since we published Curse Bound earlier this year:

Rebecca completed an adult fantasy/humour novel, working title: The Witch's Diary. Our first-readers have provided feedback and she's gearing up to query it.

Adriaan completed a YA low-fantasy novel with a gender-fluid theme, working title: Part Time Girl. He has been querying it and has had some partials requested.

We have not forgotten the Mist Warden series! We recently completed the outline for book 3: Death Bound. There's death and mayhem in Coldwater as the gate's magic pushes farther into this reality. Jess, Drew, and Mac face the toughest challenges yet, making decisions that will change the course of history.

A New Addition

There have been a few changes at BraeVitae lately, all related to this adorable, if somewhat demanding creature. Starting a family of our own has been our greatest wish for about ten years and last December a wonderful birth-mother chose us! We're now the proud and slightly frazzled parents of Elizabeth (Ellie).

This is having a significant impact on our book release schedule.

We're inching closer to completing The Witch's Diary, now including some incredible illustrations created by our good friend Miles MacLean (also purveyor of fine Fantasy and SciFi inspired tea blends).

Part Time Girl and Mist Warden book 3 are on the back-burner for the moment. As we only have a few moments of baby free-time in a day, we're going to work on a few short stories that we've been jonesing to write.


Book clubs are awesome

We love to get together with friends and complai—I mean talk!—about books :) So, we were well pleased to hear from a high school book club that was reading Chaos Bound. Now, Canadian Teacher magazine has a well deserved article about this student initiated club:

At Pandora's Boox

Chaos Bound and Curse Bound (top right) in very good company with a bunch of other Alberta authors & publishers in a very cool store! (Pandora's Boox in Olds, Alberta)